Ngā puke ki Hauraki ka tārehu
E mihi ana ki te whenua
E tangi ana ki te tangata
Ko Moehau kei waho
Ko Te Aroha kei roto
Ko Motutere kei waenganui
Huri whakauta ki ngā tahuna o Hauraki
Ko Marutūahu te tangata!

Kei ngā manu tāiko, kei ngā manu taupua, nau mai, rarau mai ki te whare mātauranga o Te Wharekura o Manaia e tū ake nei i runga i te whenua haumako o Makomako.  Nei rā te reo rāhiri o ngā uri o te awaawa o Manaia e rere nei ki ngā mana, ki ngā tapu, ki ngā ihi katoa.  Piri mai rā koutou ki te tautāwhitanga o te kaupapa nei e whakamānawahia ana tō tātou reo tūpuna, ngā tikanga tuku iho, ngā mātāpono hoki e noho āhuru ai te iwi.  Ko tā te kura ā-iwi nei he manaaki, he poipoi, he whakapakari hoki i te tamaiti kia whakatutukihia e ia ōna maruāpō, ōna wawata kia tū rangatira ai ia ki tōna ao.  E whakapono nuitia ana ki te mahi ngātahi te kura, te whānau, te iwi me te hapori kia puāwai mai ai te pito mata o te tamaiti, ka tū te tamaiti hei amohāpai i tōna ao.

Nāku i roto i ngā mihi,

Martin Mikaere
Te Tumuaki

As a kura ā-iwi, we are representatives of four iwi, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Whanaunga and Ngāti Pūkenga.  Our forementioned pepeha given by our highly respected kaumātua, Te Haumarangai Hector Connor, also confirms our whakapapa connections to all iwi and hapū within our village, Hauraki whānui and the motu.  These whakapapa connections are highly important as they impress on us to be kaitiaki (guardians) for our people, for our knowledge, for our taiao, for our language, for our tikanga, for our taonga.

Te Wharekura o Manaia offers a complete educational journey, from our on-site Puna Reo (early childhood center) – Te Pūtahitanga o te Rukenga o Ngā Wai – through to Year 13. Our early childhood program builds a strong foundation that aligns seamlessly with our school’s unique character, supporting students throughout their primary and secondary education.


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Click here to find out information on how to enrol your tamaiti to Te Wharekura o Manaia