Te Wharekura o Manaia is a Kura-ā Iwi. We are dedicated to providing a stable, caring and stimulating environment where learning flourishes. We believe that all children are able to succeed at school and the way of achieving this success is through quality instruction and working in partnership with our whānau and community.

We value co-operation, tolerance and respect for others. We expect children to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. We believe in setting high standards for learning and behaviour.

Although our children are living in a rapidly changing world we believe we need to give them the skills and knowledge to participate successfully in the future, by grounding them strongly in the values and culture of their community.

Our school is well resourced and the staff are skilled in using up-to-date Information Technology in the classrooms. Each class has access to computers and the Internet.

We also value the Arts and believe in the importance of developing creativity in each child. Most importantly we believe in a sound partnership between our school, whānau and community. This is your school and we value your support and involvement.

We have an open-door policy, which means you are welcome into the school at any time. We look forward to working with you to make your child’s time at our school one of achievement and positive growth.


Our Mission

What We Stand For

Te Reo

Ka whakatōkia ngā tamariki ki te katoa o ngā āhuatanga mātauranga ā-iwi. Ko tōna whainga he whakakake, he whakapiki hoki i te aute ki runga i te karamatamata ā mātauranga. Taea ai te pēnei. Mā te kaiako matatau, mā te kaha āwhina ā-kui, ā-koro, ā-matua hoki. Ko te mutunga ake ka whakaritea te tinana, te wairua me te hinengaro nui tonu. Kia whai hua ngā tamariki, nō rātou te ao nei. Kia whai mana ai rātou.





Our Facilities

We Are Providing an Environment for Our Students to Grow & Excel

Our tamariki will be encouraged to reach their full potential. Our tamariki will achieve through the efforts of skilled teachers, including our adults and kaumatua.

Their minds and bodies will be cultivated and nurtured in accord with Te ao Māori. Through the strengthening of the whole person, their families and communities will be healthy and as a consequence, their world will be too.

Our tamariki will be equipped to stand proud and confident, ready to take their place and role in the world, to which they belong.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

• To draw from the aspirations of the tangata whenua of Manaia.

• To build a Kura based on both mātauranga and tikanga of the tangata whenua of Manaia.

• To build a kura that would research and maintain the values, dialect, differences, symbols, literature and world view of tangata whenua of Manaia.

• To provide an educational environment (kura) that promotes the educational vision, goals, objectives, management and self-determination of the tangata whenua of Manaia.

• To develop the next caretakers of the traditions and aspirations of the tangata whenua of Manaia.

Our Vision

Teaching the Professionals of tomorrow

Te Wharekura o Manaia aims to produce young people who:

• Contribute and enhance the well being of Ranginui and Papatūānuku, their whānau, hapū and iwi.

• Are conscious of their connection to Te Taiao and their individual and collective responsibility to ensuring that their connection remains intact.

• Have excellent competency in Te Reo Māori and Mātauranga Māori derived primarily from Te Awaawa o Manaia.

• Are able to fulfil their own potential and are able to make choices about their future.


What we do at this school rests on a strong foundation of values and traditions. Find out more about what guides us in our daily life at the kura here


We have a robust framework of policies that makes it clear how things are done and which informs our kaupapa. You can read them in detail here