Mā ngā kaimahi

for our staff

Quick Links Menu:

In this area, staff members can find quick access to essential digital resources. Log in to key systems including the learning management system,Microsoft 365 and more.  Step-by-step video guides are available to help you navigate these tools effectively.

Online  Portals

Ngā Kura-ā-iwi o Aotearoa

Explore resources and information from the national body representing kura-ā-iwi  across Aotearoa.

KAMAR Portal Access

Access our Student Management System where kaiako can manage attendance, view student reports, and utilize additional administrative tools.

Office 365

Click here to log into Microsoft 365 where you can access your emails and create word documents, powerpoints and more.

Google Education

Click here to log into Google Education where you access Google Docs, Classroom and more.

Education Perfect

Click here to log into Education Perfect.  EP is a powerful online learning and teaching tool for ākonga and kaiako.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Visit the official NZQA website for information about qualifications, assessments, and educational standards in New Zealand.

You will need your Education Sector Logon credentials to access this site.

School Docs – Kura Policies Access

Access our comprehensive collection of kura policies and guidelines.

Access Instructions:

In the search box, enter: Te Wharekura o Manaia

Use the following credentials:

Username: twom  Password: twom

Click here to access Te Waharoa Ararau.

You will need your Education Sector Logon credentials to access this site.

Video Tutorials

KAMAR Tutorials

How to access KAMAR